Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mr. Mom

Unfortunately there is no evidence of Mr. Mom in action this evening.  I had Harper in the baby Bjorn while preparing my knock off California Pizza Kitchen Thai crunch salad.  I think she was entertained for a while then quickly got bored - too much chopping!  I had to play Mr. Mom on Sunday as well when Elizabeth was out of town for a shower.  I admit, my mom was in town the better part of Sunday, so I was really not alone for more then 3-4 hours with the girls, but I was still exhausted by the time Elizabeth got home.  Hats off to my lovely bride as always - this is hard work!

But I do feel like an old hand at this now and am eager to pass along everything I've picked up in the last 3 months to my friends who are at different spots along the same journey.  We have friends in Birmingham who recently had a beautiful little girl and several others here in NC that are currently expecting (or just found out they were expecting).  The next generation is developing right before our eyes and it is all happening so quickly.  I can't wait to see our girls grow up and interact with their new friends.  I did have a chat with them after their double date the other day just to make sure everyone was on the same page and to ensure they knew no boys are allowed in the house without their dad's approval.  I guess there are some aspects to them growing up that I CAN wait on! 

I saw this quote the other day and thought it spot on for how we feel about our interaction with the girls and what is most important to us right now - spending as much time as we can with them every day.  "The best inheritance a parent can give to his children is a few minutes of their time each day."  Everyone tells you how quickly the time flies by - and after only 3 months I would have to agree.


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