Saturday, October 4, 2008

10 Months Old!

Tyler & Harper are 10 Months Old Today! 

New at 10 Months:
Both babies are crawling!
They love to dance & move their hands like they are clapping
They recognize songs & get a big smile when it is one of their favorites!
Very close to dropping their bottles all together ~ great sippy cup drinkers
Hungry! They can eat so much food it is amazing!
Favorite foods: mashed potatoes, Ian's chicken nuggets (the brand, not Dad), graham crackers, grilled turkey & cheese sandwiches, cooked carrots & mango!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pictures of your daughters have been stolen by a troll who is now using them on the UK Babycentre site.

She doesn't yet know that she has been caught so her profile is still public.