Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Number Game

Ok, so Ian decided to let "The Mom" start posting pictures of the girls on the blog since his free time hours are few and far between these days. Ian's posts may now come only on the weekends!

So, here it goes... my first official post.

Above: The Girls show off their new hats... and seem pretty embarassed!

Well, people always ask "What is it like to have twins?" There is not really a way to describe it, but I thought some numbers might help put it in perspective.

Below is a re-cap in numbers of our past 24 hours:
Number of Babies: 2
Number of Weeks Old: 8
Number of Feedings: 16
Number of Ounces Eaten: About 50
Number of Diaper Changes: 22
Number of Baths: 2
Number of Baby Einstein CD's listened to: 2 1/2
Number of Hugs & Kisses: Lost Count
Number of loads of baby laundry: 1
Number of hours mom slept: 5 1/2
Number of hours mom wished she had slept: 10
Number of outfit changes: 7
Number of times mom walked in to peek at the babies sleeping: 12
Number of Bottles cleaned: 16
Number of times Pearce looked Jealous: 100

There is never a dull moment in the White Household these days, but we could not love being parents (of twins) any more! I will post some new pictures of Tyler & Harper before the end of the week. For now I'm off to bed.
Current Time: 3:47am

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