First things, first. I need to back up to Thursday. I got a call at work - it was my wife informing me that my mulch order was grossly overestimated. My expectation was for an oversize pickup truck size load, instead Elizabeth described the truck as more akin to a garbage truck and it "was beeping" as it backed into my driveway. Needless to say, I had a full day of work to squeeze into a few hours before we embarked on "the first night away". Donned the king of mulch, I am happy to report through some well timed bargaining and a few neighbors in need of ground cover - this mountain should be gone by mid week. It's a good thing as my back was on the brink of never forgiving me.

After a long night in the yard on Friday we rose early to feed the girls and hit the road... down to Litchfield Plantation for a wedding of dear friends Saturday night. It was a strange feeling for the both of us and we pulled out of town... Elizabeth was not particularly fond of the distinct smell of my rental car (long story), but it wasn't long before that discomfort was replaced with a freedom unknown to either of us since December 2007. A quick look over our shoulder and it was confirmed... no kids AND no dog. We were off for one night with no responsibility - except to ensure a tet-a-tet bewteen Elizabeth and some bubbly.
The wedding was beautiful. The decor simple yet strikingly memorable. How could it not be in such a picturesque setting? Low country food was plentiful and of course... the champagne was flowing. We were away from the girls for a night, but I think we talked about them the majority of the time. Everyone wanted to hear the latest and how things were going for us. Being the proud parents were are, I for one seized the opportunity to dote on my little ladies. We surprised my mom (and ourselves) by only calling home to check in a few times. A little dancing, an on-stage cameo, a twirl with the mother of the bride, followed by a late night pizza and the night out came to an end.

Despite the temporary freedom, we did miss our little ladies. Seeing the other parents with their kids all dressed up and doing their best to mimic dance moves they've picked up here or there. I definitely noticed a few natural stars in the making. I can't wait to see our little stars, Tyler and Harper, in their cute dresses out on the dance floor with the other kids or dancing with us. There is something about a wedding that reconfirms what it is we cherish most - unconditional love. Unconditional love for our spouse, unconditional love for our children, unconditional love for our family. Don't forget the ones you love this weekend on Mother's Day!
......we sure did miss them!
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