Time to venture out. There is only so long you can take staying in all weekend. We decided to make a trip to Imaginon. While the majority of the activities are more appropriate for slightly older children, Tyler and Harper did have a great time playing with a school bus toy. You can tell by their faces in these pictures just how excited they were. We will definitely coming back once they get a little older.

Sunday meant another trip to the pool. The family's first trip on Father's Day did not go so well for all (Tyler), so we decided to give it another shot. Despite an overcast sky and slightly chilly water, both girls took right to the water and loved their new floats mom picked up this week. It was great prep for the weeks to come down at the beach!
We say it all the time - "the girls are growing up so fast", but the movie Dan in Real Life had several themes that resonated with me. We had the chance to watch it last Thursday after the babes went to sleep. On one hand I was terrified of a scene like the one in the link above or being called "a murderer of love" by my teenage daughters and on the other I felt myself yearning to fast forward to a time when they are old enough to actually come to their dad for advice. There is so much in store for our young family, but I guess for now I am content in trying to decode the "secret twin language" with mom... after all before I know it, dad probably won't be cool enough to talk to!
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