Monday, August 18, 2008

24 Hours!?!

Over the weekend I had the first 24hours to myself in almost a year! The girls went to spend the night with Grandmother Honey & Dad went to a bachelor weekend.... so for 24 hours it was just mom & Pearce! (Pearce was so excited I think he thought we had given the babies away.) So, it was a day at the spa for me followed by some great takeout & movies on the couch. It was a nice break, but this house is definitely too quiet with my sweet family away. 

Tyler & Harper are getting bigger by the day. Dad had not seen them in 3 days by the time he made it home yesterday and swore they had grown a pound & an inch! New this week- rocking on all fours. They will be off & crawling before we know it! And eating lots of grown up food- anything they can pick up and put in their mouths by themselves makes them very excited. 

These pictures are from this morning... right after these were taken the girls were playing with a stuffed animal & were laughing hysterically taking it from one another. They love that there is another one of them around at all times and already have the most special bond!

A big thanks to Grandmother Honey for the much needed R &R!

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