Harper (L) Tyler (R)
1 Year Old
Please ignore the pumpkin muffins all over their face & shirts!
New at ONE Year:
They are Itty Bitties! Tyler is 17lbs 14 oz & Harper is 17lbs 5 oz.
Energy! They are all over the place, into everything & non stop when they are awake.
Standing. They will just stand not holding onto anything. No forward motion yet though.
They say "dada" when the phone rings!
They still take two naps a day and are still pretty good sleepers at night. A few late night wake up calls here & there for stubborn teeth that just won't seem to come in!
Undoing the whole roll of toilet paper in the bathroom when no one is looking.
Spilled Milk = fun new toy to play with!
Harper's favorite friend is her pink giraffe "Raffie" and Tyler's is her brown & white "Doggy"
Climbing into things- a box, a wagon, a low shelf. Anything that they can squeeze their little bodies into!
Sibling Rivalry! Yes, it has started.
They understand "No"- they just don't always listen.
Favorite New Foods: Scrambled eggs, Sunbutter sandwiches (thanks Lauren!), carrot juice, croissants, kiwi, blueberries, cookies (they would eat these for every meal if they could!), cheddar cheese on crackers, peach smoothies & mini cheeseburgers.
So, now what.... we have documented every moment of the girls' 1st year! This is definitely more detailed than their baby books. So, we are going to use Blurb & turn this into a 21st century blog book for each of them to have. And the blog will go on.... just not as frequently!
Stay tuned for what is in store for year TWO!
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