Sunday, September 16, 2007

Only 3 lbs?

"I've only gained 3 pounds" was the email I got from Elizabeth on Thursday morning after the visit with her primary doctor. It was right then that I knew the answer to the question lingering in my head from the drive into work that morning. I left the house a little late for me around 6:50 a.m. to head to work on Thursday. That meant I was immersed in the thick of school traffic, but the one thing I noticed leaving our neighborhood were all the moms standing with their kids waiting for the bus. Already showered, coffee in hand, helping their children with backpacks or just making sure they were safely out of the road. The question that immediately popped into my head was - how is Elizabeth going to do that? Not in a bad way at all, but you have to understand, Elizabeth loves her sleep. Until recently, I could bang around all I wanted getting ready and leaving for work without disturbing her one bit. How will she be able to get up, shower, make coffee, get the kids up and ready, and be outside to meet the bus before I leave for work?

My answer was in her email. The fact that she was concerned about ONLY gaining 3 pounds demonstrated to me that she has already stepped, scratch that, jumped head first, into the world of motherhood, putting the girls first. She is only concerned with one thing and that is being everything to these two girls. Selflessly, she insists that no one needs to get her anything for her birthday rather that they should get something for the girls ("that's what we need right now"). December 1st is going to be here before we know it, but I am not worried about how we are going to handle our new responsibilities. We are going to be great parents and the girls are going to have the best mom in the world....showered, coffee in hand, and getting them ready for the bus - all before 7 am!

Here are the pics from the doctor on Thursday. The girls are 1 lb 7 ounces and 1 lb 10 ounces. Everything still looking good. It is getting tough to see them since they are on top of each other! I will have to do a separate post about our class on Saturday!

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