Sunday, September 30, 2007

Over 4 lbs of baby

The girls are officially both over 2 lbs now (2.1 and 2.2 to be exact). Everything looks great. The doctor actually told Elizabeth she was their model twin patient. We are still anticipating a December 1st arrival at this point and are preparing accordingly. We may need to build a storage unit for all their stuff because it is slowly taking over our house.

We went down to Wilmington for our last weekend of travel before December. We got to spend time with my immediate family plus my aunt and uncle and my young, but very inquisitive cousins. They were quite interested in Elizabeth's new body and when the girls were going to arrive. This weekend confirmed again that our family is just as excited about the twins as we are. Beach trips are going to be a lot different going forward!

We also got to attend an engagement party and see a bunch of friends from school. You can imagine what the topic of conversation was in most circles. It is nice that we have so many friends going through the same experience at the same time. The friendships that have stood the test of time for us will be passed down to the next generation through all of our children. Our kids will know more kids by the time they hit kindergarten then I did in high school. Last, the original reason for heading to the coast was for the triathlon. My brother and I ran in the Wilmington sprint triathlon on Saturday. This may turn into an annual event so next year the girls will be there to cheer dad on!

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