All of the ornaments are up, the stockings are packed away & the Christmas tree is out on the street.... it was a great Holiday season and so much fun having little ones that are so into it all! We had a whirlwind Christmas week visiting everyone... here are some pictures of Christmas '09!

Holding hands in front of the tree!

Hanging with Honey!

Christmas kisses for Grumpa.

The girls giving Mama Lou their gift.

Christmas Eve with Ebby & Big Poppy!

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree.

Ebby & Mommy with the girls

Santa came....

Cookies & Milk for Santa, the girls were so into it!

Christmas morning...
Tyler sees something special waiting for her! All smiles!

New Bikes from Santa!



Yea for stockings!
The girls got big girls underwear... potty training, here we come!

Daddy & Harper

The little reindeer

Tyler & her new elephant nap mat

Harper loved her big Giraffe, "raffie"

Nanny, the elf with Tyler.

Christmas Kisses for Mommy & Daddy!