Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tu Tu Cute!

The girls are in ballet dance camp for the week with some of their good buddies! They twirl & dance, sing songs, do crafts & try on sparkly costumes. They are having a blast!!! Yesterday they came home showing off their news skill of tip-toeing! It was pretty cute.


All ready for camp!

Harper doing her best "cheese"

Tyler "cheese"

Doing rock-a-bye baby to doggie & Coco
This is the new thing around our house & the girls asked to be rocked before bed every night. That is because they are "tiny babies" these day and like to fake cry, pretend to change eachother's diaper (even though they are in big girl panties!) and pat one another on the back to burp like Baby Court. Oh the minds of two 2 1/2 year olds!

Harper, enough with the pictures Mommy!

Tyler doing her "I am going to pick a flower Mommy , even though you told me not to" face.

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