Once again Halloween has been going on for weeks now in our house but all was leading up to expectations of the big night... trick or treating! We had a great family day getting all of the last Halloween preparations done and the girls just twiddled their thumbs until it got dark and it was time for the rush of sugar!

Harper & Tyler carving the pumpkin.
Our finished pumpkin was pretty pathetic this year, so no photos!
(Yes he is still in pj's mid-afternoon! It was that kind of day!)
The Christmas Trio with Daddy as Justin Beiber, the teen heartthrob these days.
Ebby & Poppy's House (even Jackson the dog was dressed up!)
Next year buddy!
All of our kids (including the 4 legged little guy as a mini Santa)
Spaghetti & a Chicken (hmmm, guess the preggers girl has food on her mind!)
The girls dinner tonight consisted of sweet tarts, nerds, kit kat & snickers.
Handing out Candy to the Big Girls & Boys still out.
Girls loved it!!!!
Here are pictures from Halloweens Past...
Mom is so glad to not be sporting the same shirt as years past!