Wednesday, December 1, 2010

And he's OFF!

Court is On the Move... at a snails pace, but moving forward nonetheless! For weeks he has been rolling across the room or scooting backwards but in the past few days he has begun inching forward going further & further each day. For him to move it has to be something he really wants. Christmas shiny & sparkly things seem to be doing just the trick. He is so proud of himself when he gets there then lays down like it has been a big workout. Super laid back little guy we have on our hands. Hoping we can make it until after the tree is down before he learns how to pick up speed!




Yea for me!

Here are Tyler & Harper's first crawls....
Tyler at 9 1/2 Months, then 2 weeks later her first ER visit!
Harper at 10 Months.

1 comment:

Brooke Hall said...

wooo hooo!!! i can't wait to see him go!